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Marriage and family are the building blocks from which the entire Jewish People is built." — the Rebbe

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(Times' Hebrew edition)
Major Customs
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Major Customs
1 -- Perfect Marriage (audio)
(by Rabbi Matti Lyles)
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“The vessel for receiving the Al-mighty’s blessing is behavior on a daily basis in accordance with His will. The blessing for fertility lies in keeping the laws of family purity.
Chapter 2 - Niddah
Summary of above audio
2 – Gynecological (audio)
by Rabbi Jacobs
Summary of above audio
2024 - 2025 (5785)
iBook: $9.99
Marriage is a framework in which two distinctly different individuals, from separate backgrounds and families, each with his/her own personal needs, form a new entity—a couple. Now, what really matters is the mutual good.
There are a number of issues which the husband should be aware of in the larger context of married life. The time of the wife's menstruation can be an uncomfortable one for her....
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Concise Overview - Purity Cycle
About this Overview . This PDF, describing the purity cycle as it most commonly occurs, is presented as a succinct reference. Note: almost every detail can have deviations with potential repercussion, many of which are covered in this book.
4 – Absence Makes... (Separation laws)
The Talmudic Rabbis forbade being alone with women for whom marital relations are forbidden and the punishment for willing transgression is excision.This prohibition, yichud, aims to ensure modest and proper behavior.
Kindle: $9.99
Don’t be overwhelmed by the details. To put them in perspective: a question rising from a stain is usually one found on the bedsheet, or toilet seat.
5 — Making Sure Menstruation Has Ceased
To ascertain the complete cessation of any bleeding, the wife who is a niddah performs an internal examination called a hefsek tahara.
After the hefsek tahara, a woman waits seven days before going to the mikveh. During this time, she checks herself and her underwear twice daily.
7 — Preparation For The Mikveh
Prior to immersion in the mikveh, the entire body and hair is carefully washed and examined for intervening substances.
King Solomon, the wisest of all men, chose the analogy of lovers to express the relationship of Hashem and the Jewish people in the “Song of Songs..
Sample extracts from Family Purity - A Guide To Marital Fulfillment:
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This chapter deals with intervening substances found on the body or hair after immersion.
The mikveh is the single most important ingredient in the purification process. Yet only its most external component, the mikveh pool itself, is visible to the eye
12 - Proper Times for Relations
A time which was once an auspicious hour remains so forever. —Talmud, Yuvamos 72:a